Compliance Committee

We rigorously vet our Breeders before they become members of the Doodle Me COOP. View our requirements for a Hobby Breeder to become a member of the Doodle Me COOP.However, to keep a Collective meeting high standards- there must be objective oversight.

View our full Code of Ethics. If you believe a breeder may be violating these Ethics, contact our Compliance Committee so that we may begin an investigation.

What happens after I submit a report?

Your complaints and reports remain 100% Private. We never share Personally-Identifying Information with the Breeders. A Compliance Committee Board Member may follow up with you to inform you of the case outcome.

Generally,  a report will result in correction of the issue, a punitive penalty, close monitoring of the Breeder; OR removal of the Breeder from our Cooperative.

We are proud that our Compliance Form is rarely active, leaving us plenty of time to investigate any concerns you may have. Do not hesitate to contact us!

"*" indicates required fields

How did you find this Breeder?*
We like to include advertising methods into our Committee Investigation.
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