Loose Stool, What is Normal? What is Not Normal?

Normal: Stress Induced Colitis Lasting for 1-4 days.

Stress-induced colitis in dogs is a normal condition which may effect a puppy for the first 1-4 days in a new environment (or while traveling or being boarded). Colitis is an inflammation of the colon (the largest part of the large intestines) and it is the cause of over half of all cases of chronic diarrhea in dogs. The puppy’s stool may be soft, contain mucus, blood or have a yellowish color. As long as your puppy is alert, eating and drinking normally, stress induced colitis will resolve in 1-4 days time once the puppy is comfortable again in the new environment. To ease the discomfort of colitis, give the puppy 2-3 tablespoons of PLAIN greek yogurt over the course of a week in addition to their regular meals. You can even mix the yogurt up with soft food (such as Caesars) to make it more appetizing!

Abnormal: Loose Stool For more than 7 days

All puppies have been on a strict deworming/anti-parasite schedule from 3 weeks old until the day they leave and move into their new homes. On your puppy’s digital Vaccine/Deworming PDF we suggest continuing to deworm your puppy with a schedule every 2-4 weeks until your puppy is 16 weeks old, and then yearly as an adult dog.

Loose stool is usually a sign that you need to ‘deworm’ your puppy. Deworming is a short-hand phrase which refers to anti-parasitical medication given orally to puppies. You can easily perform dewormings yourself with medication available online and in-store (Panacur or Safeguard). It is best to perform the deworming of fenbendazole for at least 7 days, for the best chance of ridding the body of a broad spectrum of parasites, worms, and giardia.

If loose stool does not return to a firm consistency after 7 days, it’s a good idea to visit the vet for a fecal exam. The vet will tell you exactly what parasite is causing the loose stool, and provide you with a prescription to treat the issue. Typically these issues are not costly and are resolved within 14 days on proper medication.
Please keep us updated about any issues you may be experiencing with your puppy. We encourage all owners to fill out a Health Issue Report.

Abnormal: Vomiting, Lethargy, Not Eating, Not Drinking

Loose stool which accompanies other symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, not eating, not drinking, can be a sign of something much more serious. Such as coiccidia, giardia, parvovirus, poisoning, or a blockage. It is best to call a veterinarian for advice ASAP.

Please keep us updated about any issues you may be experiencing with your puppy. We encourage all owners to fill out a Health Issue Report.

Note: This article is not intended as a substitute for veterinary care. If you suspect your dog is having medical issues, contact your veterinarian immediately.