What are Possible Doodle Reactions to Vaccine?

Here are three common side effects or Doodle reaction to vaccine:


In the hours following the vaccination, your Doodle puppy might not be its usual playful self. It may be lethargic and could experience some aches, pains, and soreness.


Some dogs develop a big lump or bump in the site of the injection. Keep an eye out on the area: it should not start oozing pus or worsen over the next few days.

Sneezing/coughing/runny nose

Often, the Bordetella nasal squirt could lead to these symptoms. Intranasal vaccines do cause excess sneezing and runny noses in some Doodles.

Fortunately, most dogs return to their normal lively selves within a day or two.

If symptoms persist, or worsen or your pet starts shivering, vomiting, runs a fever, develops an abscess, or experiences seizures, then please see your vet right away.

Note: This article is not intended as a substitute for veterinary care. If you suspect your dog is having a vaccine reaction, contact your veterinarian immediately.