What are the Feeding Instructions for my puppy?

The goal is to get the puppy to eat the dry food as soon as your arrive home. The bigger picture is making sure their belly is nice and full at all times. Small Breed Puppies need to eat every 3-5 hours otherwise they can get grumpy or irritated, a small-sized puppy needs to be eating constantly. Make sure dry food and water are always available to your puppy, until they are 1 year old, they should have access to a full bowl of kibble 24 hours a day to prevent blood-sugar crashing. The more active the puppy, the more he/she should be eating and drinking.

Wet Soft Food (Ceaser’s or Blue Buffalo) – This is a wet dog food that puppies typically love to eat. Use this only as a means to entice the puppy to eat the dry food. Depending on the size of your puppy, we mix ¼ or ½ of the Ceasar’s Packet with a handful of dry dog food. If the puppy is resorting to this to eat the dry food, he/she needs to be eating every 2-3 hours of this mixture. Again, the Ceasar food is strictly a treat for the dry food and not to be confused as an actual substitute for the dry food. It’s a supplemental meal.

Small Breed puppies sometimes lack appetite due to a change in environment. In addition to their hard food, the following items are recommended to encourage eating: boiled chicken, Plain Yogurt, Puppy Caesers Soft Food, Boiled Ground Beef, Karo Syrup are sometimes used on hard food to entice the puppy to eat as well.