Puppy Replacement Terms for Hereditary or Congenital Abnormalities:
In order to qualify for our puppy replacement program, we require you to insure your puppy for a minimum of 12 months from the date of purchase. With proof of major medical Pet Insurance in place for the first 12 months of owning your new puppy, we will offer a replacement puppy for the first 4 years of your dog’s life for any conditions related to hereditary or congenital abnormalities that cause severe quality of life issues. No replacement will be given to the buyer if the affected dog is euthanized without the seller’s permission. If the dog should die suddenly within the 4 year time span, the buyer is required to have an autopsy performed to determine the cause of death. If the affected dog passes away without having an autopsy done or if the autopsy reveals no genetically caused congenital defect, there won’t be a replacement. If the report confirms it is congenitally genetic, the seller will replace the dog within two years of the veterinary report. No full or partial refunds will be given to the buyer for the affected animal.
The replacement animal may not be from the same parents as the original dog and will only be available through the CO-OP or breeder.
Enrollment must occur, and coverage must be in place prior to the puppy’s arrival in order to qualify.
Additionally, in order to qualify for a replacement puppy, all medical records and documentation of treatment must be provided to us for review. The replacement puppy will be of comparable quality and value to the original puppy purchased. This program is non-transferable and only applies to the original purchaser of the puppy. We reserve the right to deny a replacement puppy if we determine that the conditions were not related to hereditary or congenital abnormalities. Your original puppy and/or your replacement puppy cannot be resold. Puppies provided in the Replacement Program are not eligible for the spay/neuter reimbursement program. Not all puppies listed on TheDoodle.me are eligible for the puppy replacement program. The puppy replacement program does not cover shipping or travel costs of the replacement puppy. You must pick up your replacement puppy in person.
Owners must fill out the replacement puppy claim on the Puppy Replacement Program form to begin the claim. It may take up to 30 days for your claim to be reviewed. You will be contacted by the email provided in the Puppy Replacement Program form.
Puppy Replacement Terms for Special Cases:
A written letter from your original breeder stating (you) the owner is seeking to enter the Puppy Replacement Program and that the original CO-OP breeder has agreed to such terms as well. This is solely at the CO-OP breeder’s discretion for special cases that are NOT covered in our Puppy Replacement Program, Health Warranty, Breeder Agreement, or Adoption Terms and Conditions, such as but not limited to: compatibility issues, temperament issues, allergies, adjustment issues, family emergencies, or changes in living circumstances. You and your breeder must come to a written agreement on these issues, and this document must be forwarded to our committee email at compliance@thedoodle.me for review.
Breeders have the right to ask for other related documents and proof of the owner’s circumstances when creating the agreement; the CO-OP Committee may ask for proof of these documents for review if the breeder failed to see their importance previously. If the owner does not provide the necessary documents, breeders and TheDoodle.Me have the right to refuse the puppy replacement program. Breeders may require the dog be returned. Breeders and TheDoodle.me also have the right to offer a percentage portion of the adoption fee towards a replacement puppy and not waive the entire puppy adoption fee for the replacement puppy.
The Doodle.me team will review the agreement and decide whether to approve it or deny it. The Doodle.me team has the right to deny any special cases for any reason the team deems valid. This includes if the dog has been surrendered and the animal appears to be neglected, mistreated, or abused. Surrendered dogs or puppies must be in good condition other than the specified problem(s) or issues. If your special case is denied, you have the option to dispute it once via the dispute form for another review.
CO-OP purchased dogs older than 4 years old do not qualify for the puppy replacement program under any special circumstances whatsoever. Owners can still opt to surrender their dog via the Surrender form at any age. Not all puppies listed on TheDoodle.me are eligible for the puppy replacement program. The replacement puppy will be of comparable quality and value to the original puppy purchased. This program is non-transferable and only applies to the original purchaser of the puppy. Your original puppy and/or your replacement puppy cannot be resold or rehomed to friends or family members without expressed written consent. Puppies provided in the Replacement Program are not eligible for the spay/neuter reimbursement program. The puppy replacement program does not cover shipping or travel costs of the replacement puppy. You must pick up your replacement puppy in person.
Owners must fill out the replacement puppy claim on the Puppy Replacement Program form to begin the claim. It may take up to 30 days for your claim to be reviewed. You will be contacted by the email provided in the Puppy Replacement Program form.