Terms: Rehoming Support Terms

Table of Contents

In regard to the rehoming of the dog, I/We, agree to the following conditions:

  1. By signing the rehoming contract, I/We certify that I/We am the owner of this dog.
  2. I/We certify that this dog was purchased from a TheDoodle.Me Breeder. (We do not take dogs who were not bred by our Breeders. We are NOT a rescue or shelter organization. We are a CO-OP of Hobby Breeders.)
  3. By signing the surrender contract and filling out the Rehoming Support Form, I/We understand that this dog is still our sole responsibility and liability.
  4. All decisions regarding the placement of this dog will be made solely by I/We (the owners).
  5. I/We guarantees to TheDoodle.Me that this dog’s history with regard to health, biting, and behavior history is accurately described as outlined in the Surrender Form Questionnaire and Contract and Rehoming Questionnaire.
  6. I/We understand the Surrender contract and the policies described in the Rehoming Support Terms, and agree to their conditions.
  7. I/We agree to hold TheDoodle.Me, its officers, board members, agents, breeders, and volunteers harmless for any loss of, damage to, or injury to persons, animals, or property arising from or relating to the placement of this dog.