Terms: Terms of Adoption

Table of Contents

This terms of adoption is for the sale of a puppy. This Puppy will hereby be referred to in this terms as “Puppy or Dog”.

Hereby referred to in this terms of service as the Buyer.

The Buyer agrees to purchase this puppy at the price listed price.


The following are included in the sale price of the puppy:

  • Puppy’s Vaccine, Deworming, and Microchip Record PDF

The full purchase price (and any applicable delivery charges) must be received at the time of pickup or delivery of the dog. Breeders do NOT accept personal checks or money orders for final payment, nor do we accept electronic money services (Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, CashApp). Cash is the only accepted payment.

Responsible Ownership:

  • The Buyer agrees to provide this dog with proper food, water, shelter, attention, exercise, and training. In addition, the Buyer agrees to abide by local bylaws concerning the responsible ownership of a dog.
  • The Buyer agrees to provide annual veterinary checkups for this dog and understands that failure to do so may void any health warranty in this agreement.

Except as set forth in this Agreement, there will be no other cause for a refund or exchange.

  • There is no guarantee or warranty that the buyer will be able to show or breed the puppy regardless of show or breeding potentials.
  • While we do our best to give an accurate adult weight, there is absolutely NO guarantee that the puppy will be the estimated size or color. Each puppy is unique, and variations are apart of nature.
  • This contract supersedes any and all previous agreements.
  • This guarantee does not include injuries, mites, coccidia, giardia, hypoglycemia, or any other intestinal worms/parasites, as they are common in dogs and puppies. Parvovirus, distemper virus, heartworms, nutrition – related diseases, undescended testicles, Lingually Displaced Mandibular Canines, Hard Palate Trauma, or infertility is not covered by this guarantee. The breeder will not be responsible for parvovirus, distemper virus, or corona virus after the sale, as these are highly contagious diseases. The breeder will not be held responsible for illness or health problems that are diagnosed after this time period except where stated in agreement.
  • All support for Puppy Care and Health Warranties need to be sent via the Health Warranty Claims Form on the website, OR you can contact via the official Doodle.Me Phone Number listed on the website. Health Warranty Claims documents must be supplied within 30 days of submission. If the Buyer is not forthcoming with documents within 30 days from submission, the Health Warranty claim is considered Null and Void. Do not send any health warranty claims via FB Messenger. That is not an acceptable Contact Form, your warranty claim will be ignored, we cannot guarantee our breeders to always be active on Facebook. One the claim is submitted via the Claims Form, The Health Warranty Claim will be forwarded to the individual Breeder by Doodle.Me volunteers. This breeder is then responsible for reimbursing the customer via mail for the Spay/Neuter Rebates and Health Warranty Claims.
  • The Health Warranty is NON-Transferable to new owners of the puppy, only the original purchaser of the dog can make a claim for the Health Warranty.
  • Seller is not responsible or liable for payment of ANY medical, dental, or surgical procedures to maintain the animal’s health or well-being after the time of purchase.

Health Warranty:

  1. The Breeder believes this dog to be in excellent health at the time of sale. In the case that a life-threatening untreatable congenital condition is discovered by a veterinarian within 48 hours of pickup or delivery, the dog may be returned to the Breeder for a full refund of purchase price. Refunds are limited to the original purchase price of the dog and do not cover veterinary costs or shipping/delivery costs. This health warranty does not include viral illnesses, hypoglycemia, infections, improper bites, innocent or non OFA verified heart murmurs (which are common in growing puppies), hernias, or internal or external parasites.
  2. The Buyer agrees to maintain the dog in good health in order to minimize the occurrence of health problems. The Buyer understands that lack of exercise OR dangerous/over-exercise can damage joints and growth and either scenario will void the warranty. The buyer also understands that improper weight and nutrition can damage joints and growth, and lead to other health issues later in life. If the animal is found to be overweight, obese, or underweight (not due to separate medical condition), either scenario will void the warranty.
  3. The Buyer agrees that the Breeder has taken all possible precautions to produce healthy puppies, which can include preventative health screening of parent dogs. The Buyer further understands that the puppy is a living creature and once it leaves possession of the Breeder, the Breeder no longer has control over its health and wellness.
  4. In order to qualify for our puppy replacement guarantee we require you to insure your puppy for a minimum of 10 months from the date of purchase. With proof of major medical Pet Insurance in place for the first 10 months of owning your new puppy we will offer a replacement puppy guarantee for the first 12 months of your puppy’s life for any conditions related to the Hereditary or Congenital abnormalities listed in this TERMS OF SERVICE. Enrollment must occur and coverage must be in place no later than 7 days after the puppy’s purchase date.

The Breeder offers the following Warranty:

Seller guarantees until one year of age Puppy against life-threatening congenital cardiac disease, Severe Hip or Elbow Dysplasia.


If your puppy is altered prior to 12 months of age, the warranty will be considered null and void. There are many studies that indicate spaying/neutering prior to that age is detrimental to the dog’s health, and may cause increased incidence of joint disorders, impact urinary health, and increase cancer among other things. Females, in addition to being at least 12 months of age must have gone through at least one heat cycle. The heat cycle for females releases hormones that are beneficial for bladder maturity as well as joint health and overall development.

If this dog is found to be obese, or there is history or evidence of injury, malnutrition, extreme exercise or inappropriate lack of exercise, the warranty will be considered void.

If the dog is diagnosed to have severe hip dysplasia confirmed by OFA, Grade 3 Elbow Dysplasia confirmed by OFA, congenital heart disease confirmed by a Grade 6 heart murmur and submitted and confirmed by the OFA prior to its 12th month of age, providing no condition of the warranty has been nullified, the Buyer can elect to either receive either a replacement puppy or receive a 30% reimbursement of the original purchase price via a GIFT CARD mailed to the Buyer’s home address. The buyer may select a giftcard from the available brand list provided by the Breeder to the Buyer. No other forms of compensation will be given but a select giftcard.

  • The Breeder and Doodle.Me are not responsible for lost or stolen items in the USPS postage system, or online theft of digital gift cards, or in-person theft of the giftcard once it arrives to your mailbox. Once the rebate is sent to you, with proof of submission, you are responsible for keeping up with the item. There will be no returns, refunds, or replacements for the health warranty after it has been sent to you.

The written OFA report must be submitted to the Breeder within one month of diagnosis. The Seller reserves the right to request additional X-rays or a re-examination by a different Veterinarian. The Buyer understands that the Breeder has done testing to ensure that the dog will be sound but that there is no way to guarantee that dysplasia will not occur. This warranty is provided by the Breeder and the Buyer understands that the soundness of hips and elbows is more than just a combination of genetics but also is influenced by environmental factors such as body condition, nutrition, illness and injury.

Seller guarantees until one year of age Puppy against congenital cardiac disease. If there is a concern for congenital cardiac disease, Buyer must go to a board certified cardiologist and complete an OFA Advanced Cardiac Exam. This guarantee covers congenital cardiac disease diagnosed during the OFA Advanced Cardiac Exam via echocardiographic examination that is found to be a Grade 6 of severity. Board certification by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Specialty of Cardiology is considered by the American Veterinary Medical Association as the benchmark of clinical proficiency for veterinarians in clinical cardiology, and examination by a Diplomate of this specialty board is required. Health warranty only covers cardiac disorders requiring surgery or a heart disorder requiring life-long medication (Proof to include copies of diagnosis and treatment documentation from a Board Certified Canine Cardiologist). This does NOT include benign or innocent heart murmurs.


All parts of this warranty will be considered null and void if this dog is bred.

Euthanasia of this dog prior to the written consent of the Breeder for the conditions named above (except in the case of an extreme emergency) will render this warranty VOID.

The Buyer MAY return the affected dog to the Breeder but is NOT REQUIRED to do so to claim any part of the 12 month warranty. Buyer MUST return the dog if they wish to receive compensation for the 48 hour warranty. In the case of sudden demise of puppy, the Breeder must receive a written notice of puppy’s death from the new owner’s vet, along with a necropsy report indicating cause of death. Cause of death must be determined to be due to congenital defect only.

The Breeder cannot be held liable for any genetic condition not named above. The Buyer understands that the Breeder takes all reasonable precautions to produce only healthy dogs but cannot guarantee that other types of illnesses will not present themselves.

The Breeder does not guarantee descended testicles, or ears that stand. Occasionally a puppy may need cryptorchid surgery (although this has never happened with any of our puppies to the date of this contract). Some puppies may need some assistance with getting ears to stand. We do not guarantee that they will stand, however, if your puppies ears are not standing by 5 1/2 months, please get in touch with a veterinarian who can provide some assistance with taping ears. If you wait beyond 5 1/2 months, your puppy’s ears may never stand. Don’t wait!

The Breeder is not responsible for any behavior, lack of training, neglect, abuse, or failing to train the dog/puppy properly after the puppy leaves the breeder’s possession.

The Breeder is not responsible for any expenses incurred by the buyer for the puppy after the date of sale. The Buyer takes full responsibility for the puppy upon signing of this contract. All future costs regarding this puppy are transferred from the Breeder to the Buyer on the date this contract is signed. These includes but are not limited to veterinarian care, training costs, boarding fees, dog food, chiropractic work, and show fees.

The Buyer agrees to notify the Breeder of any illness or injury (occurring at any time throughout the life of the dog) suspected of being hereditary in nature. Such information is required in order to reduce or eliminate problems in the Breeder’s future litters. No warranty shall apply to conditions not named above.

If the puppy/dog is sold as Pet Quality, the Buyer agrees to have the puppy/dog spayed/neutered by a licensed veterinarian by 18 months of age. Buyer must provide proof of spay/neuter to the Seller in the form of a receipt or bill from the veterinarian and/or a spay/neuter certificate from the veterinarian. Receipt/bill/certificate must include the puppy/dogs name, breed, sex, microchip number, and color.

Terms of Spay and Neuter Rebate

  • All puppies are sold as PET ONLY on a non-breeding agreement. To encourage families to follow through with the spay and neuter at an appropriate age, we offer (up to) $200 in a rebate for the sterilization cost. Proof of sterilization must be submitted to our Spay/Neuter Verification Form within 30 days from the date of sterilization. If your dog is a female, and she is older than 16 months at the time of sterilization, you must ask your vet to perform an X-RAY or Ultrasound, and to write a short letter stating the animal shows no signs of previously being bred.
  • You are Eligible for the Spay/Neuter Rebate if the following applies to your situation:
  • Your dog was purchased after 6/10/2022, by a Doodle.Me affiliated breeder.
  • Your dog was micro-chipped by this breeder and can be found in our records.
  • You filled out the Terms of Adoption on Doodle.Me (www.thedoodle.me) when you purchased your puppy, and we can verify the record of submission.
  • The dog has not been bred prior to the sterilization.
  • You are the original owner of the dog, or you transferred ownership in the last 8 months to a new owner.
  • Your dog was spayed (hysterectomy), neutered, hormone-sparing sterilization, or has a vasectomy.
  • Your dog was sterilized no earlier than 12 months of age, and no later than 18 months of age.
  • If your dog passed away during the sterilization procedure, you are still eligible to receive the rebate for your deceased pet.
  • Proof of sterilization must be submitted within 30 days after the procedure.
  • Only the cost of the sterilization procedure (surgery) and (if applicable) umbilical hernia correction. No other procedures will be covered. No extra medication, prescriptions, or accessories will be covered in the spay/neuter rebate, nor will sales tax of the procedure. This is only eligible for UP TO $200 of the rebate or the cost of the procedure, whichever is less.
  • All rebate will be sent to you in the form of a Giftcard. You may choose which Store Giftcard you would prefer via the list provided on the Spay/Neuter Verification Form. The store giftcards are only while supplies last, if the breeder has run out of the Giftcard you selected, you will be contacted to choose a different store giftcard. Your giftcard will come physically in the mail to a home address that you provide. You will be provided with an Estimated Arrival Time, Doodle.Me is not responsible for lost or stolen items in the USPS postage system, or online theft of digital giftcards. Once the rebate is sent to you, with proof of submission, you are responsible for keeping up with the item. There will be no returns, refunds, or replacements for the spay/neuter rebate. Alternatively, you can opt to ‘donate’ your Spay/Neuter rebate to help spay or neuter multiple homeless pets.
  • Dogs who are infertile by nature or accident are not eligible for this rebate. Dogs are who not physically/emotionally fit to be sterilized do not qualify for the rebate.
  • ***Microchip ID must be present on the documents when submitted. ASK YOUR VET TO PUT THIS INFORMATION ON THE DOCUMENT !!!
  • If your puppy was offered to you at a reduced cost, you are not eligible for the rebate. Discounts are considered any purchase UNDER $2600 for males, or a female under $2800.

This puppy health guarantee AND spay/neuter rebate assumes full payment was made at purchase. If a discount on the purchase price was given for any reason the buyer will be required to pay the difference before these guarantees will take effect.

You are entering into an agreement between the Breeder and You (The Buyer). The Doodle.Me CO-OP has a listing of member breeders who have agreed to and signed The Doodle.Me CO-OP’s Code of Ethics and Conduct. The Doodle.Me CO-OP does not guarantee the health or services provided by any member and does not assume any liability regarding agreements provided by the consumer and the The Doodle.Me CO-OP members listed within. Buyers should use utmost care before making a decision to purchase a dog. This listing does not bind the The Doodle.Me CO-OP nor does it guarantee or accept any liability or responsibility for the quality, health, or temperament of any dog. NO warranty is to be assumed or implied by this publication by inclusion or omission as it pertains fitness of merchandise or integrity, by any The Doodle.Me CO-OP member on this list.

Buyer agrees that he / she understands this agreement fully.
Buyer acknowledges the agreement is null and void if the terms and conditions are not fulfilled.

Buyer agrees to the arbitration agreement.
You agree that any cause of action, controversy or claim arising out of or related to the use of this site, service or content between the The Doodle.Me CO-OP Breeder and yourself or as to the construction, interpretation and effect of this agreement shall be settled by arbitration pursuant to the applicable rules of the american arbitration association. However, prior to arbitration all applicable The Doodle.Me CO-OP bylaws, rules, regulations and procedures must first be followed as set forth in the The Doodle.Me CO-OP charter and bylaws, rules, regulations, published policies and guidelines.